The Slayer is an young girl elected to fight the forces of the evil. With each
generation, a Slayer news is selected. It is called The Slayer, Chosen or
It is single, and it is always a girl, old of approximately about fifteen
years during its nomination. It has already great faculties which will be used
to him to fight the evil as of the birth: a direction of the observation
developed, a great agility with the combat, an exceptional force, as well as a
trick and a gift have to regulate the enigmas innate.
One does not become Slayer: one is born Slayer.
It is the “Council of the Observers” which deals with forming and explaining
to Slayer its role. The Council has a panoply of Observers which are formed to
guide Slayer in its combat against the forces of the evil. This one has also
great capacities, such as those of speaking, writing and to read many languages,
it has great knowledge on the demons and vampires and is able to involve as much
physically than mentally its Slayer.
Slayer is single in the fact that as long as Slayer will live, it will fight
the evil. As of the second when she dies, the Council names a Slayer news, but
this one will be always alone vis-a-vis the occult forces. There is to some
extent Slayer “of replacement”, always ready to be named. It is the same thing
for the Observer, which is replaced as of its death. The lifespan of Slayers is
often tiny, i.e. that it exceeds only seldom the score.
It has in fact only one goal in the life: to eliminate all that is bad. It
cannot have life (what Buffy will contradict) apart from its combat. It is
supposed being only to know this special function with its Observer, should not
have friends, nor of family, and does not have especially to bind friendship
with its Observer, in order to avoid any drama at the time of the death of the
one of them.
Slayer is, according to its title, Slayer of vampires, but it kills in fact
also all kinds of demons. On the other hand, it does not have and cannot in no
case to kill out of the human ones. This would be a murder, its function is
limited to eliminate the supernatural things.
At the time of its 18th birthday, Slayer passes an aptitude test, aiming at
seeing its capacity to be fought stripped of any force: Cruciamentum. Its
Observer must dope it without it not knowing it and this one will lose its
special capacities progressively. Then it will be locked up with very powerful
vampires and will have to make with the means of the edge to leave itself there.
This test, must be succeeded by Slayer and the Observer, i.e. that Slayer will
have nothing to know of what the Observer made him undergo. But of course, this
is very hard for the Observer if it bound of friendship with its Slayer.
Slayers, before being called, like Kendra in particular, follow a code. They
are of Slayers potential or Slayers in Training (SIT). They generally have about
fifteen years and prepare with being called with head of Slayer in activity. We
had of it the presentation in season 7. Annabelle, Molly and Kennedy are SIT
which took refuge in Sunnydale because the original evil pursues them and
kills them one by one. Other SIT, as that of Istanbul presented in the episode
“Injure”, or that of Frankfurt of “Beneath You”, or Laura, in “Sleeper”, did not
survive and was killed by Bringers, the disciples of the original evil.
Annabelle was killed by Turok-Han, another race of vampires…
As long as there will be demons, there will be Slayer. Only one girl in the
world, selected, born with the force and competence to drive out the vampires
and other creatures mortals.
Between 1600 and 1800, in Europe, Slayer is called to fight the Lothos
vampire and dies in its arms.
In the 13th century, in Jerusalem, Slayer of the name of Shagrat Al-Durr
takes part in the crusades of the king Louis IX.
1539, in Florence, Slayer Maria Regina dies killed by the Belphegor demons.
In 1612, to Japan, this Slayer in particular up to now unknown perhaps
entered like the “chasseuse one forgotten” the history. One has no information
about it.
At the 17th century, in Ireland, Slayer was Erin Randall. With its observer
Timothy Cassidy, they fought good number of demons and vampires. Its fight ended
vis-a-vis the spirit of Halloween.
In 1692, in Massachusetts, Slayer was Samantha Kane. She was regarded as a
witch. She prevented the end of the world but there has any time paid of her
In 1817, in England, our information is vague on Slayer of this time if it is
not its first name: Justine and the day of her death (28/02/1817). Its existence
is revealed only by the files of its observant Claire Silver.
In 1843, Slayer was present in Madrid and fought against Luke.
In 1849, Slayer of the name of Sineya was then active, one does not know
anything about it.
In 1872, in Venice, Angela Martignetti was not only Slayer, but also the
mistress of its guard Peter Toscano. The quasi immortal Veronique Vampire
because it has the body of its victim killed Lucia, the cousin of Angela, and
had its body. Peter Toscano died in a fire. After that, Angela continued
Veronique through all Eastern Europe. Each time it found it, it managed to
survive by taking a new host. After a long hunting, it succeeds in locking up
Veronique on the island of Kefi for more than 100 years. Four months after, it
received a new observer: Jason Cromwell.
In 1930, in Korea, there was Slayer. Sid, (the Puppet) the hunter of demon,
describes it to us with muscles of steel.
In 1940, Slayer was Sophie Carstensen, born the 31/08/1923. She had just
spent 7 years at her observant Yanna Narvik before she has to be Elected. Among
his victories, one can count the destruction of Gorm, the chief of the Danish
The Skrymir demon launched an attack against the Council of the Observers to
London. This one killed Trevor Kensington (chief of the Council and Charles
Rochemont). In parallel, Sophie fought in Copenhagen against Spike. She
succumbed, killed by another vampire. Its death made it possible to push back
the attack of the Skrymir demon, because Slayer elected was in the building even
the Council. It was Spanish Isabel Cortéz. However, Isabel died a few minutes
after its call. Slayer called was Eleanor Boudreau de Lafayette, which put an
end the fight victoriously. Marie-Christine Fontaine was intended to be with her
In the middle of the 20th century, in Japan, Slayer was Mariko-chan and its
guard was called Kobo Sensei.